Apply as
a competitor

Please fill out the form below to apply to the hackathons.
Note that to be eligible to participate in the Individual AI ML Competition, you need the have a zindi account (sign up here), and do the pre-qualification work found here. If you do those two steps but do not apply here, your application will not be valid.

For the startup/group competition, at least one of your team members needs to have participated in the AI/ML Challenge. No other requirements are needed.
You do not need to do both hackathons to apply to the event.

If you need any help or have any questions, please let us know by sending us an email at hello@ai-hack-back.local.

  • Please fill out the form below to apply to the hackathons.

  • Which company or person recommended this event to you (please add their email or name so we can thank them) ...
  • Personal details

  • Language preferences